Monday, May 12, 2008

Old Hockey teams

1948. From the Dominion woolen news letter. 2 hockey teams. My Dad is on the team on the left and his brother is on the team on the right.


Anonymous said...

Did your family know any Olivers in Hespeler? I think that Bert Oliver was my mother's cousin. My mother's maiden name was George. JH

Jimm Hillis said...

My Mother grew up with Bert Oliver and i know him as well, as for the surname George my mother say's it sounds familiar but she can't place it right now.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's amazing!

I think Bert Oliver died in 1984. Is that right? His father, Robert Oliver, was my grandmother's eldest brother.

Bert's parents (Uncle Bob & Aunt Peggy) lived on Queen Street.

My mother's family (the Georges) lived on Adam Street across from the library.

My family left Hespeler just before the dreaded amalgamation.


Anonymous said...

That house across from the library on Adam St has some crazy history but it's pretty much just a cat infested shithole now..