Monday, November 13, 2006


Today is the municipal election day here in Canada and while not as many people get out to vote as in a Provincial or Federal election there is still a little interest and intrigue in any election. And this got me to thinking about how my interest in politics began. The man's name was Max Saltsman and while i can not remember the exact year i do know that it was in the mid 60's and it happened at an event in Forbes Park in the centre of Hespeler. It was a fair of some type and Mr. Saltsman was campaigning as well. And while he shook hands with our parents and talked up our neighbours he also found time to talk to us kids and crack a joke, ask us about our interests and likes and just make us feel that we were important to his cause, even though we could not vote he realised that wee could influence our parents and perhaps make one or two change their minds. And of course that spiffy hat with his name on it that he gave us did not hurt either.
About 6 years later i was in high school and another election was upcoming and once again max Saltsman was running, so i talked with him about helping his cause and again he made me feel that my opinion mattered and ever since then i have been interested in the political world, even though i do not belong to one political party[i consider myself a Centrist] and Mr. Saltsman is long gone from this world it is because of him that many of us in our 40's and 50's are political junkies. At least that is what i believe, so make sure you vote and remember whether your candidate wins or loses is not important, the fact you had a say is what matters. Now if i could only find that old Saltsman hat, i would look pretty spiffy as i cast my ballot.

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