Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The role of Family

As i sit here after celebrating my 48th year of life on this planet i think of family and it's role in our lifes. When we are young Mommy and daddy along with brothers and sisters aunts and uncles and cousins are probley the most important thing in our lives. They are our support group and our sounding boards,our tree to lean on and learn from. When school comes into play our friends slowley replace family members and we turn to them for our needs a little at a time. By the time we hit High school our friends are our family in many instances. We play we party and we confess our crimes and misdeamoners to each other. By the end of high school girls are involved and another little family has been formed. In your late teens and early twenties many friends and lovers have gone on to College,work or just vanished from your life and again your family has changed. Now your family may be the people you work with and a few friends that are still around. And all of a sudden you have your own family as you get married have children and go on with your life. By the time you hit your 40's your views on family are back to the start but now many of the family are gone, friends have passed on and you hold tight to what is left of your family. And family becomes the most important thing once again. Hold them tight because in the end they are you.

In memory of my father who passed away 7 years ago but is still around today. Happy fishing

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