Saturday, October 08, 2005

Sittings 3

The air is now cooler,the sleeping is better this is my time of the year...anybody watching the new t.v season? i have caught a few new shows and the majority suck,however My name is Earl and Kitchen Confidential are preety good,not great but good...who are these clowns in new York that made the threats to the subway system,they should get a decent prison is back in town and i love i get older i realise i like the basics in food like liver and onions...hollywood has remade the fog,it was a bad book and a bad movie when it was first made so why bothwr again...listening to WABC radio out of newyork the other night and they were ripping Bush,you know that you have a problem when a right wing radio station thinks you are doing a bad job...the Boston Redsox were eliminated from the major league playoffs,good...the St.Louis cardinals will win the world series anyway...shania Twain or faith Hill...i will take Faith Hill but no female singer country or pop can touch Emmylou Harris...Brian Mulroney thinks he is the best PrimeMinister that canada has had next to Sir JohnA.McDonald me thinks he has been smoking something funny,mind you he is better then Joe Clark and Kim Campbell...and i think that mulroney looks a little like the father on American Dad...i don't get it.why do people watch golf on tv...New Orleans is sinking and in a few months will it still be news? is thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and i think as a country we have a lot to be thankful for...until next time if you can't make your self a good noise than what the hell are you doing here.

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