Friday, August 01, 2008

Lughnasadh August 1

Lughnasadh[loo-nas-ah] is the festival of the god Lugh. It is the celebration of the first harvest of our local staple grain,usually wheat or barley. Some hold their rites on the full moon of Loe as it passes through Aquarius. By the calender Lughnasadh is August 1.
The season of growth since beltane has come to it's end and now we enter the season of reaping. Myths are often played out during the Lughnasadh rites, with the Corn King offering himself up to be sacrificed and being reborn as a loaf of newly baked bread. The sacrifice of the king was at one time very real, as blood was offered back to the gods who had given the grain. The focus of the rite now is still this weave of exuberant life and release it to death. It is both a celebration of what we have sown and nurtured, and an acknowledgment of it's dying as it gives itself up to our needs.
Lughnasadh is often the biggest of the festivals, with people traveling from far and wide to share the joys of their harvest,bringing music and food,and trading crafts and stories. Good beverage and friends go well on this festival.

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