The year is hazy but i was still in high school so i guess it would have been around 1972 or 1973. My mother's sister was in fact a sister. Aunt Grace to us but Sister Francis Regis to the rest of the world. She always loved to come home to Cooper Street and sit out on the back patio talking to my mom and dad and enjoying the family life. This day she and my dad had opened the brandy and had a couple of shots when the doorbell rang and my Dad got up to answer it, when he came back he told Aunt grace that there were two Jehovah Witness's at the door and he had told them that there was someone who wanted to talk to them and they waiting patiently at the front door for her. Now in those day's the Nun's still wore all the habits and as luck would have it my Aunt's was on the chair beside her and she gladly threw them on and went to the door. but what happened after that is why this story sticks in my mind. Walking briskly up cooper Street were 2 Jehovah Witness's being pursued by a Catholic Nun in all her glory yelling "come back, we have a lot to talk about", never had i been more amused at something my family had pulled off and i swear my Dad almost split a gut laughing so hard heck even my Aunt and my mom could hardly stop laughing. Ah Summer, memory's are made of this. Aunt Grace is no longer with us but everytime i think of her i have to smile. I mean how could a little lady like this scare two grown men, really?

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