The following is a letter received by my Mother on August 20th 1944. It was sent by her brother Bruce on August 9th 1944 from the trenches in France. Unfortunately he was killed in action on August 14th 1944. The last communication the family had from my Uncle Bruce.
Dear Mary
Hya squirt,how are yuh? Don't know why I'm writing, i can't think of anything to write about but mush. Say hello anyhow, so here i am sitting nice and comfortable like in my slit trench swatting mosquito's, killing ants and things and writing all at the same time. Cripes a guy needs about four hands for this job. It's not a bad lost of a day though-at least it ain't raining. An enormous big bee just flew in,stopped in mid air like a helicopter somewhere in the vicinity of my schnozzle and stared me in my face like as if he was trying to make up his mind. However he apparently didn't like the looks of my ugly pan so he spread out his four or five inches of wings and flew away. I'm still cross eyed from looking down my nose, ah the brute.
How are all the boyfriends or have you found one steady one?. Cripes i haven't even been out with a gal since march-I'll soon be losin my Hespeler technique what little there is left.
Are you still at the same job and still doing the same thing-sitting at a desk, writing letters to your boy friends? That must be a pretty fair job. You even use the company paper i notice, you crook. Well, yesterday i received your letters from Grace, Mother,Alec, George Oliver and a girl and her Mother & sister in England, and a parcel from Grace as well. So i did okay for one day.All i gotta do now is answer them and boy that's a job. Well now ole dear, must scram for now so bye for this time, hope to see you soon but hear from you sooner.
Your big brudder Brucie.
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