Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Where is my Igloo?

Talking to an American the other night made me realise that we are still misunderstood on the world scene. This gentleman was intelligent but had no real knowledge of Canada. So in searching the web, here are 10 myths about Canada that are still out there.
10.All our Policeman are Mounties......that is what this guy thought.
9.Our national sport is hockey...All right so a lot of Canadians think this too, It is actually Lacrosse.
8.Canadians do not own guns...Actually, per capita we have as many guns, if not more than the United States, we just do not use them as much.
7.We all speak French...well I don't know about you, but, Merci is about all I know.
6.All Canadians say EH and Aboot...And all southerners say y'all[that ended that topic]
5.Canada has no film Industry....The list of Canadian Movies is very impressive[I will do a separate story on that]
4.We don't get the same entertainment options as Americans....every movie and television show is released in Canada at the same time as America, and all the music groups tour here at the same time .
3.There is snow almost all year long.....It may seem that to us.It still amazes me that this one is still out there.
2.Canada has Polar Bears everywhere...This guy wanted to know where the viewing site was.
1.WE LIVE IN IGLOOS.....Really! I wonder if mine has central heating.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Church's
Thursday, February 19, 2009
More from the juke box
Ian Dury and the Blockheads - Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll
One of my favorite punk/pop stars of the 70's. His whole catalog is worth a listen.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Between Woodstock and Reagan{Here among the Cats}

While sitting in a little local bar last night with a few friends listening to a real crappy karaoke version of "Smoke on the Water" we began to reminisce about the bars and bands that used to play in the region. While the bars are now gone, to be replaced by little corner pubs and assorted other things the music is still there. Today try to find a top notch rock band in their prime or an incredible top flight show band that even comes close to the area, it is not going to happen.
The Matador Tavern,Leisure Lodge,Coronet,Highlands/Tudor Tavern,Waterloo Motor Inn and if you were in the Muskokas the Kee to Bala[the only one still going]. The bands that traveled through here are legendary now,some still touring and others relegated to the back pages of our minds.
Longneck quartz bottles at the Tudor, fancy show bands at the Matador, the funniest waiter I have ever encountered at the Leisure Lodge,trying to find our way home in a drunken stupor from the Coronet and crawling out of Lake Muskoka to see a live Saturday night show at the Kee.
Myles and Lenny
Prism--a unknown band called the cars opened for them
A foot in cold water
Major Hooples Boarding House
McLean and McLean
Jack the Bear
Jason--Steve Smith introduced his "Red Green " character in this show band
Triumph--Rik Emmett once threatened to beat me up at the Tudor
Max Webster
April Wine
The madcats
Doucette--he may have had only one song, but what a song
Copper Penny
Goddo.............These were just some of the acts that played these bars. Kind of beats a drunk woman singing a Janis Joplin tune now don't it. Well I think Iwill go put on a Max Webster album and chill. Till next time,RAP IS CRAP
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Paybacks a bitch or how a Hespeler Dad gets his revenge!
The old saying is of course Payback is a bitch and in this story it is dead on, so let me tell you.
Like all teenagers i managed to steal some beer and liquor off my dad on weekends, i mean who didn't. The thing was he never really said a word about and i was able to do it for a number of years and never thought of the consequences until years later. I had recently separated from my wife and had moved back to my Parents home to re-group and try to start all over and my father got his revenge. One Saturday i had picked up a 24 of Heineken and put it in my basement refrigerator and went out to do some things and about 3 hours later returned home and went to grab a beer, well guess what? Yep, most were gone, now i was used to my Dad grabbing one or two but 20? It seems a couple of his buddies had come over and my Dad had only 2 of his beer left so he felt now was the time to raid my fridge and raid it they did, leaving me with 4 and a trip to the beer store to replenish my stock[this was before Sunday beer store hours] for the weekend. When i returned I looked at my Dad and the grin on his face said it all...This is how a Hespeler Dad get's his revenge!
Like all teenagers i managed to steal some beer and liquor off my dad on weekends, i mean who didn't. The thing was he never really said a word about and i was able to do it for a number of years and never thought of the consequences until years later. I had recently separated from my wife and had moved back to my Parents home to re-group and try to start all over and my father got his revenge. One Saturday i had picked up a 24 of Heineken and put it in my basement refrigerator and went out to do some things and about 3 hours later returned home and went to grab a beer, well guess what? Yep, most were gone, now i was used to my Dad grabbing one or two but 20? It seems a couple of his buddies had come over and my Dad had only 2 of his beer left so he felt now was the time to raid my fridge and raid it they did, leaving me with 4 and a trip to the beer store to replenish my stock[this was before Sunday beer store hours] for the weekend. When i returned I looked at my Dad and the grin on his face said it all...This is how a Hespeler Dad get's his revenge!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Scout house repairs
Record staff
Hespeler Scout House meeting hall is in line for $5,000 in repairs this
year, even as city staff plan to replace it. The money almost doubles
the annual city budget to run the small meeting hall in Forbes Park,
which city staff hope to replace with a bigger community centre in
north Hespeler in 2015. The city has set aside $2.2 million in the
capital budget that year for the project. A location hasn't been chosen.
Nice to see that old building being fixed up but even nicer when the do build a new center. That is definitely something we need in Hespeler
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The Sunny Side Of life
Life is a struggle. The economy sucks,every day you go to work,put up with crap,fight traffic to get home,find out there is something that needs to be fixed at home,check your hydro bill,your cable bill,your Gas bill,your car insurance bill, your tax bill and then you realise you are out of beer. To hell with it you say. Well relax and let's look at the sunny side of life, the little things that make the world a better place.
Watching your kids grow up and taking their first steps, saying their first words. Walking with your Wife and the dog and relaxing by the waterfalls that we have in Cambridge. Sitting in the backyard, the BBQ cooking the steaks, a cold beer in your hands and good friends and family with you. Being able to communicate with your family anytime you feel like it. Watching the snow fall or viewing a thunder and lightning storm. Smelling the warm spring rain. Watching a hockey game. Coming home and knowing your Wife understands your moods. Smelling the laundry when it first comes out of the dryer. Sitting in the stands at a ballgame soaking up the sun. going thru old pictures and remembering the good old day's. Running into a long lost friend and releiazing he has aged more than you. Finnaly finishing painting the room you have always left un-painted. Watching an old Bogart movie. Having your Grandkids giving you a hug for no other reason than you are you. Being able to see your grand-children grow up. Knowing that your kids are going to be allright. Finding a $10 bill in last summers shorts. Fitting into last summers shorts. Knowing that canada is still the worlds best place to live. Watching wildlife in it's natural habitat. Seeing the sunrise and watching a sunset that knocks your socks off. Knowing that you have put in a good day's work and lived your life the best you can.
See! It is not all bad, there are many good things about your world so enjoy them ll and feel free to add your own. AWEN my friends AWEN
Watching your kids grow up and taking their first steps, saying their first words. Walking with your Wife and the dog and relaxing by the waterfalls that we have in Cambridge. Sitting in the backyard, the BBQ cooking the steaks, a cold beer in your hands and good friends and family with you. Being able to communicate with your family anytime you feel like it. Watching the snow fall or viewing a thunder and lightning storm. Smelling the warm spring rain. Watching a hockey game. Coming home and knowing your Wife understands your moods. Smelling the laundry when it first comes out of the dryer. Sitting in the stands at a ballgame soaking up the sun. going thru old pictures and remembering the good old day's. Running into a long lost friend and releiazing he has aged more than you. Finnaly finishing painting the room you have always left un-painted. Watching an old Bogart movie. Having your Grandkids giving you a hug for no other reason than you are you. Being able to see your grand-children grow up. Knowing that your kids are going to be allright. Finding a $10 bill in last summers shorts. Fitting into last summers shorts. Knowing that canada is still the worlds best place to live. Watching wildlife in it's natural habitat. Seeing the sunrise and watching a sunset that knocks your socks off. Knowing that you have put in a good day's work and lived your life the best you can.
See! It is not all bad, there are many good things about your world so enjoy them ll and feel free to add your own. AWEN my friends AWEN
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Wild oats and Shredded Wheat
Never raise your hands to your kids:It leaves your groin unprotected
The inventor of Vaseline ate a spoonful of the stuff every morning.
"I really didn't say everything i said"---Yogi Berra
"Ive had a perfectly good evening, but this wasn't it"--Groucho Marx
Expressholes=People who try to sneak more than the eight items or less into the express lane
I believe in luck, how else do you explain the success of those i don't like
Mike Tyson's guide to dating etiquette--a book that will never be written
My wild oats have turned to shredded wheat
I have a photographic memory,unfortunately i am out of film
The invisible man married the invisible woman, their kids ain't much to look at either
Why don't more people wear capes?
4 billion years of evolution and i still can't stop drooling on myself.
"I think woman should be armed but not allowed to vote"--Ann Coulter 2001
A bad web address, PEN ISLAND---http://www.penisland.net
"Keep using my name in vain and I'll make rush hour even longer"---GOD
I don't trust my stockbroker, he is married to a travel agent
There is nothing like the love of a good woman, but the love of a bad woman is not too shabby either.
My friends say i live in my own little world, but that's okay, everyone likes me there
And in parting remember--if the shoe fits, it's probably expensive
The inventor of Vaseline ate a spoonful of the stuff every morning.
"I really didn't say everything i said"---Yogi Berra
"Ive had a perfectly good evening, but this wasn't it"--Groucho Marx
Expressholes=People who try to sneak more than the eight items or less into the express lane
I believe in luck, how else do you explain the success of those i don't like
Mike Tyson's guide to dating etiquette--a book that will never be written
My wild oats have turned to shredded wheat
I have a photographic memory,unfortunately i am out of film
The invisible man married the invisible woman, their kids ain't much to look at either
Why don't more people wear capes?
4 billion years of evolution and i still can't stop drooling on myself.
"I think woman should be armed but not allowed to vote"--Ann Coulter 2001
A bad web address, PEN ISLAND---http://www.penisland.net
"Keep using my name in vain and I'll make rush hour even longer"---GOD
I don't trust my stockbroker, he is married to a travel agent
There is nothing like the love of a good woman, but the love of a bad woman is not too shabby either.
My friends say i live in my own little world, but that's okay, everyone likes me there
And in parting remember--if the shoe fits, it's probably expensive
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
What became of?
The Milkman
Trading stamps
Gee!Your hair smells terrific shampoo
White Rain hairspray
Accent meat tenderizer
Quisp cereal
Frankenberry cereal
Dyna Mints
Licorice records
ronco record cleaning machine
Nestle's Treasures chocolate bar
Rum and Butter Chocolate bars
Hai Karate cologne
Hi C Fruit juice

And family sitting around for warm drinks and cake!
February 3rd 1959
Don mclean - American pie (live)
[via FoxyTunes / Don McLean]
The Day the music died. 50 years ago the plane carrying Ritchie Valens,The Big Bopper[J.P. Richardson] and Buddy Holly went down near Clear lake Iowa.
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