Talking to an American the other night made me realise that we are still misunderstood on the world scene. This gentleman was intelligent but had no real knowledge of Canada. So in searching the web, here are 10 myths about Canada that are still out there.
10.All our Policeman are Mounties......that is what this guy thought.
9.Our national sport is hockey...All right so a lot of Canadians think this too, It is actually Lacrosse.
8.Canadians do not own guns...Actually, per capita we have as many guns, if not more than the United States, we just do not use them as much.
7.We all speak French...well I don't know about you, but, Merci is about all I know.
6.All Canadians say EH and Aboot...And all southerners say y'all[that ended that topic]
5.Canada has no film Industry....The list of Canadian Movies is very impressive[I will do a separate story on that]
4.We don't get the same entertainment options as Americans....every movie and television show is released in Canada at the same time as America, and all the music groups tour here at the same time .
3.There is snow almost all year long.....It may seem that to us.It still amazes me that this one is still out there.
2.Canada has Polar Bears everywhere...This guy wanted to know where the viewing site was.
1.WE LIVE IN IGLOOS.....Really! I wonder if mine has central heating.
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