Friday, September 09, 2005

Racial Profiling

I have been the victim of racial profiling. Let me tell you my story. My family doctor has retired and passed his practise on to a new doctor. So the other day i felt it was time to go for my annual checkup,which is about the only time i need to see a doctor. I go in to make an appointment with the new doctor and am told to fill out a new patient form. So i agree and sit down and make out the form,finish it and hand it to the nurse, she tells me they will let me know if and when i will become a patient of this new doctor. So now i ask why do i need to apply, did the new doctor not take over the practise and can we not continue as it was. Now here is where the profiling comes in, first she says the new doc is only taking about 1/2 the patient list and the elderly are the main priorty and that i have no problem with. Secondly they are looking after the single moms and young children, again i understand that but this is where i have issues the nurse tells me that as a mid to late 40's male that makes an average income and is in good health i have more options in this city than certain others like recent immagrants and the minority portion of the patients. So in other words a middle aged white male of average income is not welcome at this office. Damn if that is not Racial profiling. Now i have nothing against immagrants to our land, against single moms, or other races but to chose clients based on this is morraly wrong. And after calling the C.M.A i am still bothers as they say it is a doctors right to choose their patients and i can always go to a walk in clinic. Maybe that is where us middle aged white guys meet these days. Wonder if there are any woman there? Thanks for listening

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