Just some more useless ramblings.
The most common name in the world is now Muhammad...Betty Boop is still the sexiest Cartoon female ever...Buzz Aldrins mothers maiden name was MOON...I think i drink too much coffee, Juan Valdez just named a donkey after me...The inflatable Dart Board, was there ever a more stupid invention?...An intellectual is just someone who has found something more interesting than sex...Kraft Dinner or Oatmeal,,what's more comforting to you?...now that the pope has pissed off all the Muslims I am worried he will go after us Catholics next...an elephant is just a mouse built to government specifications..."Solutions are not the answer" [Richard Nixon]...I find it a bit unnerving that Doctors call what they do "Practise"...so they cancelled OJ Simpsons book, damn there go my stocking stuffers..A Polygon=A dead parrot...for the American Thanksgiving Donald Rumsfeild is having a big helping of Crow, with sour grapes and humble pie...and after 3 days men grow weary of a wench, a guest and the rain...why is it only pigs and humans can get sunburns...the hardest part about being a bartender is figuring out who is drunk and who is just plain stupid...i decided not to buy life insurance on myself, my wife has enough incentive as it is...
Thats it, until we meet again, remember...happiness is having a large loving and caring family--in another city!