Today my wife had an appointment in Kitchener and since we currently have no car we took Grand River Transit to KW. And what an interesting day it was. From catching the bus in Hespeler to returning 3 hours later there were more than a few storys there. The crackhead waiting to get his next hit at Tim Hortons was calm enough but you could see he was hurting, so I bought him a coffee and he seemed quite happy. On the bus to Cambridge Centre we encountered a threesome that were singing Christian songs, a couple that seemed to forget they were not at home in their bedroom and a driver that clearly did not want to be at work. The bus ride up to Kitchener included a young man that did not know that both earplugs go in your ear on your walkman and we got to hear the latest Death Metal album, that alone was worth the $2.25. Into Kitchener and we became the multi-national bus, for i am sure there were at least 8 different nationalities on the bus, thereby proving society can get along, as long as we are all in a sweaty bus together. The ride home was interesting as well including the two hookers,the gay couple, the two overweight people trying to sit in the small seats. But my favorite was the girl who got on, sat down,put her extra large coffee between her legs and immediately drooped the coffee on the floor , then proceeded to swear at anyone who was around her jumped up, pulled the cord and got off at the next stop and proceeded to throw what was left of her coffee at the bus. Great entertainment and all for under $10.00. I do have one question for Grand River Transit though... what do you call that smell on the bus?