Monday, July 17, 2006
Sittings 7
Just a few summer thoughts...Is the hockey season over yet?...Why do people set their alarm clock ahead of the real time, just who are they trying to fool?...I may be in the minority, but I like the Leafs and Raptors off season moves so far, and I think the Jay's have a shot at the East title....How is this for a little light summer reading, I am going to re-read Catcher in the Rye and try to get another few chapters in of War and Peace....speaking of books, I have read and recommend a book by a Cambridge author called Depth of Perception by Christopher J. Baker. He is a local Fireman and Author.....Had to fix my toilet this week, now I am re-thinkng this outhouse idea, seems simpler...Beautiful Country,a film from Vietnam I watched the other night, better than most AMERICAN FILMS...I have a way to deal with those 3 idiots that urinated on the National War museum, lets line them up and piss on them...Harry Chapin, the lost troubadour, a short story I aqm working on...If North Korea wants to become the nest Cuban missile crisis can Bush be the next Kennedy? Let's pray...I don't like it I just like saying Babaganosh...The Toronto BlueJay television commercials are actually pretty fun to watch...Dwight Yoakum + Marty Stuart vs Toby Keith + Keith Urban, I will take Yoakum and Stuart any day...Denny Crane, the best Television Character today[Boston Legal]...my grandson discovered fishing this weekend, somewhere his great-Grandfather is smiling...I will say it again , do not complain about the heat now and complain about the cold in February...the Great hespeler Reunion is over and i survived, a great event for a small community, the organizers deserve all the praise we can give them...I am still worried about Afghanistan becoming our Irag....visit the message board i run http://captainhespeler.proboards52.com/index.cgi and yap about anything you want...It is time for our government to ban the use of hand held cell phones in cars...well until next time, what are you doing to help this world?

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